Sabrina Karib | Christoph Wild | Antoine de Montmollin
Neuchatel, July 11 2022 – The ASFCMP, Switzerland’s major association of manufacturers and traders in precious metals, has unanimously elected Christophe Wild as its new President. He replaces Cédric Léger who retires after having assumed the Presidency during seven years. Cédric Léger has been elected unanimously by the General Assembly as its Honorary President for his professional lifetime dedication for the ASFCMP. Antoine de Montmollin, CEO of Metalor, was elected Vice-President and Sabrina Karib, Secretary General of the Association.
Christoph Wild is a member of the Association since 2013, having notably assumed the function of Vice-President. He brings to the association more than 30 years industry experience and a wealth of knowledge in gold refinery industry. Until February 2022, he was CEO and Delegate of the Board of Directors of Argor-Heraeus, a position he assumed for 10 years after having held various responsibilities within the company.
“On behalf of my colleagues, I would like to thank warmly Cédric Léger for his commitment and achievements, which led the Association to become an increasingly recognised partner by the Swiss Federal Administration and the various stakeholders of our sector. We are very pleased that Cédric will continue to support the Association as Honorary Chairman”, said Christoph Wild, President. “On my side, I will look to expand the Association’s presence in Switzerland and to strengthen its work on sustainability and transparency, being a solid and trustful partner for national and international stakeholders.”
Under the leadership of Cédric Léger, the ASFCMP has notably been campaigning for the strengthening of the Precious Metals Control Bureau (BCMP), with the aim for this body to eventually become a 360° monitoring entity for the entire precious metals sector, in terms of supply chains as well as human rights and the environment. The Association is also actively involved in the development of a blockchain-based registry, contributing to transparency and security along the supply chain from mine to refinery. For the ASFCMP, supply chain traceability and product integrity are two key elements of its compliance system. Furthermore, Cédric Léger was instrumental for the successful implementation of the Swiss Precious Metal VAT system for the activities of official trade assayers.
Sabrina Karib brings to the association a solid industry experience gained at Swiss refiner Metalor since April 2015 as a Senior Legal and Compliance Counsel. She is pursuing at the same time a PhD at the University of Basel on the topic of precious metals. Sabrina Karib studied in France and in the UK, where she obtained a LLM in Business Law.
About ASFCMP – Founded in 1978, the Swiss Association of Manufacturers and Traders of Precious Metals (SVPMA) comprises 13 companies that process and trade in precious metals. Through its 13 members, the ASFCMP represents 95% of the precious metals melted and refined in Switzerland, 90% of which is gold and creates about 1,500 direct and 1000 indirect jobs in Switzerland. The Swiss refining industry complies with the guidelines of the London Bullion Market Association as the leading authority in this field and with those of the OECD regarding responsible procurement of materials from conflict or high risk zones. At the federal level, its companies are subject to Money Laundering Law (LBA) and the Precious Metals Control Bureau, which is connected to the Federal Customs Administration.
Media contact
Christophe Lamps, Dynamics Group
E : cla@dynamicsgroup.ch
T.+ 41 79 476 26 87